By Larry Diamond
Air France Flight Dispatcher JFK 1957 – 1997
Larry remembers a joke played on the captain Chemel ….
It’s October 1987 and I’m briefing a Concorde Crew – Captain Chemel and Co-Pilot Pierre Grange. I find myself bragging about my newly purchased 1987 BMW 325I. Captain Chemel interjects, stating “BMW is not a good automobile”. Of course I was not too happy to hear that. But Pierre Grange gives me a wink and says:” we’ll fix his wagon”.

Larry on the tarmac of Kennedy ©Larry Diamond
The Concorde was only allowed to use two runways for take-off, 31L and 22R, due to noise restrictions. There were meters at the end of these runways in order to measure the noise. Anything over 121 dD was a violation, resulting in a hefty fine for Air France. After take-off, the captain would call the dispatcher on duty with the block times, then ask if there was any noise on take-off. Normally our response would be to repeat the information back to the captain “no noise on take-off, have a good trip”.
This time however, Captain Chemel calls and gives me block and take-off times and asks the question “any noise on take-off?” I repeat the information given to me but then, instead of “no noise on take-off” I say “noise reading, 124 dB” (which is a violation). Silence from the cockpit!!
Finally, Pierre relieved the captain of his worry. He told me later that Edouard seemed so distraught that he preferred to tell him right away that it was a prank. In truth, there had been no noise: we intended it as a joke. The captain was visibly relieved to know Air France would not be facing a heavy fine.
November 2004; there was a Concorde reunion at le Bourget Airport for old crew members and personnel who worked the flights. I was invited. I had already retired but was delighted to receive the invitation and to attend.

9th November 2004, Concorde reunion in Le Bourget. Larry is at right. © Bernard Charles
The incident in question happened in 1987; the reunion took place in November 2004, some 17 years later. We were seated, enjoying our food and wine when I see Captain Chemel and Pierre Grange approaching our table. He, Chemel, on seeing me, points his finger and says, “I remember the joke you pulled on me”
After all those years it was quite funny. Luckily Captain Chemel also had a good sense of humor….
Transcribed by Ann Wadman – Amicale Air France USA
Larry at Concorde’s cockpit © Larry Diamond